this is generally due to the fact that the NHS is actively and passively raping him day in day out. it would not be a huge generalisation to suggest that this motif of melancholy courses through most of the UK doctors' blogs listed to the side (except the venial sinner perhaps as he is too often loaded or in lurve.)
the current few weeks have been particularly trying. you may well remember that august and february are seminal in the NHSian calendar because these are the times when the new blood hit the wards. the recent intake of new doctors are fucking me off.
firstly they don't do a great deal. secondly i don't think they CAN do a great deal - this is likely to be due the dumbing down of training. thirdly, 1 and 2 could be overlooked if these guys were a bit of a laugh but FUCK ME they are DULLARDS.
admittedly my two juniors are very good and fun to work with it's just that i find myself wondering around the wards keeping myself to myself in case i am trapped in a ritual seppuku inducing conversation with anyone else.
things haven't been helped by the fact that my job has changed and i have leapfrogged in on call rota back to two months ago when i was doing shitloads of nights. i feel i am being taken for the proverbial ride when it comes to night shifts.
this aggression shall not stand.
in the interim, the FISH continue to multiply. next to the fish false idol posters over the wards have appeared small whiteboards with the "attitude of the day" written on them. these are such vacuous mindsets as "fun" or "thoughtful" or "happy" for example. the management haven't thought about asking me to suggest the attitude for the day yet probably because they understand that "fuck your mother" is not the best way to engender a culture of teamworking.

[i am listening to The Concretes]