as a quick post script i just wanted to pay tribute to the legend that was Morph who tragically passed/melted away today in a fire in the Aardman Animations warehouse. (Link to the news article)
a tragic loss to the entertainment industry.
there was a very moving obituary from Tony Hart in the Guardian G2 today too.
very sad *wipes tear from eye*
see you laterz
1 comment:
Lovie, have faith in yourself. I would have given my eye teeth to have a caring doctor just last month when I lost my baby. Luckily, I did have three such amazing nurses. I don't know how I would have made it through without their knowledge and their attention.
You sound as if you have passion for what you would like to accomplish. In all that we do there exist obstacles that threaten to strip away our energy and focus. The medical field is a hard road to plow, with long, ungrateful hours. What you are learning now will help you when the time comes for that passion to blossom.
I think about how I love to run, and still on the last mile I am cursing my tired legs and breathing fire. How will I endure this, I ask. Because you can, my lil' cells respond.
Welcome to blogdom. Let it all hang out.
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